Red Letter Post

Postcode Lookup

Search and validate UK addresses with a postcode

Use the most familiar and fastest way to find an address with our postcode search service

Postcode Lookup

Good Reasons to Integrate

  • Postcode Lookup is the most accessible, easy-to-use and widely understood address search type in the UK

  • Works with the Republic of Ireland address file, Eircode

  • Quick integration with our dedicated plugin. Continually updated and tested, Postcode Lookup also has dozens of low or no code integrations

  • Our Postcode Lookup tools allow for extensive customisation so you can seamlessly add it to your form

  • Customise address capture behaviour to exclude specific areas and localities

Enter your Postcode and Give it a Try

Why use Postcode Lookup?

Say goodbye to address errors and improve business efficiency today

2x2 Blue cube with a white corner cube

Easy to Integrate

We provide ready-made, customisable postcode finder libraries with excellent technical and account support to get you started quickly

Blue thumbs up

Great User Experience

Postcode lookup is the most familiar and fastest way to accurately retrieve an address in the UK

White Database with a blue medal

Ensure Data Quality

Retrieve the correct postcode addresses with every search. Our address datasets are updated everyday

You're in Good Company

More To Love

With us, you're not just getting addresses

Unmatched Accuracy

Access the UK's most detailed data with rooftop accurate geolocations & UPRN included with every address lookup

Support that sorts any issue fast

Use ChatGPT to find an immediate answer to your question in our documentation, or use support chat for live assistance

Screen Reader Accessible

Our address capture enables those relying on screen readers to complete their addresses easily and independently

Your Data: Safe and Secure

ISO-27001 Certified and GDPR Compliant. Your customer data is in safe hands - it never leaves our UK and EU data centres

Try Address Validation for Free

No Risk - No Credit Card Required - Integrate Today

1-month free trial with 200 free lookupsIncludes UPRN & Geocodes at no additional chargeSupport that sorts any issue fast
Phone with an incomplete address suggesting valid address