A green mail post

Eircode Finder

Find and validate addresses in the Republic of Ireland

Get the most comprehensive address data using our Eircode Address Validation solution

Why Ideal Postcodes

We are a premier Eircode address validation provider, the ideal choice for businesses who need to ensure the accuracy and integrity of their customer addresses

Guaranteed Accuracy

Improve search results by capturing unique alternate names, pseudonyms or address formats of properties known as Aliases.

High Quality Data

Correct misspelled addresses and reduce keystrokes in real time with our smart search, Fuzzy Matching technology to gain an accurate address database

Data Protection

ISO27001 certified and GDPR Compliant. We've established the highest security standards and procedures, meaning you're safe with us

Fantastic Support

Get started quickly with our simple user interface and straightforward documentation. We also provide live developer chat to assist you

Full Data at Your Fingertips

We provide the most comprehensive overview of every address in Ireland. Gain full visibility into every detail of an address including geolocation, address type, building type, locality type and more.

See all the details in our documentation

Competitor Address Data

Basic Address Format
Line 1Carrigeen Castle
Line 2Mitchelstown Road
Line 2
Post TownCahir
Post CountyTipperary
EircodeE21 KF74

Ideal Postcodes

Basic Address Format
Line 1Carrigeen Castle
Line 2Mitchelstown Road
Line 2
Post TownCahir
Post CountyTipperary
EircodeE21 KF74
Multi-Line Address Format

Ready to print on envelopes and mailers

Line 1Carrigeen Castle
Line 2Mitchelstown Road
Line 3Cahir
Line 4Co. Tipperary
Line 5E21 KF74
Line 6
Line 7
Line 8
Line 9
Premise Details

Minute datapoints on the type of building and occupancy

Building NameCarrigeen Castle
Sub Building Name
Building Number
Building Group
Organisation Information

Extract commercial information attached to a property

OrganisationCarrigeen Castle
Org VacantNo
Locality Information
Primary ThoroughfareMitchelstown Road
Secondary Thoroughfare
Primary Locality
Secondary Locality
Tertiary LocalityCahir
Local Authority
Geospatial Information

Rooftop longitude and latitude

Mail Routing

Additional information to efficiently route mail and packages to an address

Postaim Presort 152Cahir
Postaim Presort 61Portlaoise Hub
Premise Type

Minute datapoints on the type of building and occupancy

Building Group Address Type
Building Address TypeSingle Occupancy Non-residential Building
Address TypeNon-residential Address Point
Secondary Locality Address Type
Building UseResidential
Building TypeDetached
Holiday HomeNo
Nace CategoryOther Accomodation
Publicity Post Zone122
Under ConstructionNo

Other useful details

Country ISO CodeIRL
Country ISO 2IE
Unique Identitiers

ID numbers to consistently and accurately reference property

Address Reference2001809134316120
Address Point ID1700244077
ECAD ID1900083463
NACE CodeI.55.90
Gaeltacht ID
Building ID1400083169
Building Group ID
Primary Thoroughfare ID1200003927
Primary Locality ID
Secondary Thoroughfare ID
Post Town ID1100000161
Townland ID
Post County ID1001000014
Organisation ID1900083463
Small Area ID
Ded ID

Any Address, Identified

Irish addresses have acquired many alternate but accepted names and spellings over the years. Ideal Postcodes is the only Address Validation solution that handles all these possibilities to provide you with the true An Post address for any given alternative.

Commonly Used Alternative

  • Apartment 12, Ross More View
  • Apartment 12, Rossmore View
  • Apartment 12, Ros Mor View Apartments
  • Apartment 12, Rosmore View
  • Apartment 12, Rosmor
  • Apartment 12, Ros Mor Apartments

Verified An Post Address

Apartment 12
Ros Mor View
Scholarstown Road
D16 A977

Enhance Your Business Operations

Having Eircode data will provide a number of benefits for your business services, operations and channels.


Faster and more accurate address capture through website forms. Ensure products are delivered to the right property.

Logistics planning

Give your logistics team the most accurate location data for fast and accurate routing.

Marketing and Service

Enhance the Know Your Customer (KYC) process to allows teams to personalise communications and create more effective and targeted advertisements.

Data Management

Clean and de-duplicate addresses in your databases that come from different sources to gain a single customer view.

Get the most complete Irish address data

Verifies any alternative address to An Post AddressThe most detailed address information availableEnhances your business operations
A green mail post