Non-Unique Addresses


Doaa Kurdi



What is a Non-Unique Address

A non-unique address is a property that has no name or number. Sometimes a property has the same address as at least one other property in an area.

There are approximately 800,000 non-unique addresses in Ireland, which is over 35% of the addresses in Ireland, making it difficult for anyone to identify and deliver goods or services to to the right property.

Eircode for Ireland

Eircode data solves this problem. An eircode is unique to each property and is assigned to every residential and business address in Ireland. Eircode data allows you to locate a specific address in an area where several properties have the same non-unique address.

Ideal Postcode’s Eircode finder captures non-unique addresses, which makes it easier for businesses to identify customer properties and deliver services to the right location.