Address Finder

Search and validate addresses in real-time

Setup Address Finder in moments with our simple address lookup API

Address Finder

Why use Address Finder?

Rapid Address Autofill

Receive address suggestions as you type using our typeahead functionality with a response time of less than 100ms.

Fuzzy Search

25% of all entries contain a mistake. Our Fuzzy Search helps by reducing keystrokes to gain an accurate address.

Word Abbreviations

Our Address Search technology accepts abbreviations such as 'rd' (Road), 'st' (Street) and 'wy' (Way).

Transposed Letters

Our Address Finder tool can handle accidental switching of letters for instance 'Liecester' (Leicester).


Limit your address suggestions against a list of any attribute including post town, outward code or country.


Limit your address suggestions to a geospatial box defined by your criteria.

Why Ideal Postcodes

Cutting Edge

The most fully-featured UK address validation and postcode lookup tools available

Unmatched Accuracy

Access the UK's most accurate data with rootftop accurate geolocations, UPRN and more

Well Supported

Simple integration with clear documentation, open-source libraries and live support

Data Protected

ISO-27001 Certified and GDPR Compliant. Your customer data never leaves our UK and EU data centres

Agile Framework

Scale your business and improve operations with a faster and more efficient process

High Quality

Ideal Postcodes embraces continuous improvement and launches industry leading solutions

Social Responsibility

We believe in giving back to the community. Our address validation solutions provide screen reader compatibility


Easy products,integrations, documentation simplified billing and a great user interface

You're in good company

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