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UK Address Database

Upgrade your data with detailed UK property location information. Get it in an easy-to-use file, customised for your needs

Enhanced address data

The Postcode Address File (PAF) from Royal Mail contains every known delivery point, with over 30 million residential and business addresses

With each PAF address, we provide rooftop geocodes and a Unique Property Reference Number (UPRN) at no additional charge

This ensures you get the most comprehensive and detailed reference points available which improves your mapping, navigation or delivery services and makes it easier to connect information across data silos

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Enrich your records with crucial UK data points

Add the following datasets based on your use case

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Multiple Residence

The Multiple Residence dataset lists 850,000 UK sub-addresses in multi-occupancy buildings that share delivery points

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Not Yet Built (NYB)

The NYB dataset lists 500,000 residential and commercial premises under construction or in planning, not yet included in the standard PAF

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AddressBase Core

AddressBase Core enhances Royal Mail's database with property use classes, allowing you to locate, and analyse address types

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AddressBase Plus

Adds 3 million non-postal, local-authority addresses, such as community centers, places of worship, and utilities

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AddressBase Premium

42 million addresses plus object properties such as phone boxes, covering the full property lifecycle from creation to retirement

Frequently Asked Questions

Need some extra help? Feel free to get in touch with us.

Upgrade your data with detailed UK property information

Get a customised, comprehensive UK property list in a downloadable file

Enhance operational efficiency with detailed reference data for mappingAssign property classifications for analysisConnect information across data silos using unique identifiers
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